
The Police Are Out in Force Again in St. Louis

Scottish Dragon10/09/2014 9:12:20 pm PDT

The neo-nazis at Policeone (sorry to go Godwin but this is what they are sounding like at this point) are fapping furiously to the new Ferguson crisis.

Key comment tonight:

thumper787 on Thursday, October 09, 2014 07:49 PM Pacific Report Abuse

I feel we should take color out of it. In this case we have rioters, who seem to be the MAJORITY, who just happen to be black citizens, so how can they be MINORITIES? LE, who I assume are white citizens, in part, would be the minority. The police are peace-keepers, soooo, their job is to suppress the rioters, right? Until force is applied to the rioters, by what ever means, to suppress said insurrection, this will continue. Tear gas, batons, K-9’s on 50’ leads and if necessary, shotgun rounds, birdshot, skipped off the pavement should do the trick. I took excellent care of my take-home, and would be quite disturbed if it was damaged. KICK their ass w/overwhelming force once or twice and they will knock this shit off.

If a Chief or Mayor fails to allow this, arrest them for ‘Interfering/hindering a LEO in the LAWFUL performance of his duties’. Worth a try, my Dept. never let this shit happen, from the Glen Echo Amusement Park riots of the 60’s to tear gassing The County Fair in the 80’s.

Well, so much for civilian control of law enforcement.

If you don’t let police crack heads and shoot people in the streets…arrest the mayor and everyone else for being pacifist pussies…

Resident sociopathic whacko Joe Hoffman…who boasts there is “no such thing as inappropriate force”:

Posted by joe hoffman on Thursday, October 09, 2014 04:48 PM Pacific Report Abuse

“The police chief said some in the crowd Wednesday night shouted obscenities at officers and damaged police cars, but that the officers ‘showed great restraint.’

He added: ‘Any police officer use of force certainly will draw attention.’ “

Yeah, good going there, Sam. Let these savages destroy city property and endanger the lives of your officers and innocent civilians because you’re afraid of the bad press you’ll get by using the force necessary.

I read your comments where you slammed the Ferguson PD and the St. Louis County PD for the tactics they used in responding to the rioters in Ferguson. You’re nothing but a political coward who is totally unprepared to lead your officers into the war zone your streets have become.

And the worst part is, chiefs like you are no longer the exception; you’re now the rule.