
And Now, Santorum Enters the Clown Car

Targetpractice5/27/2015 11:50:24 am PDT

re: #28 ObserverArt

I was working on a big ol’ comment in the last thread, then Chrome crapped out right as I was posting it. Then by the time I was able to get back to the site a new thread opened. So…I’m going to put it here as it fits the GOP clown car entries.

Thing is, this guy is not a clown…here is the post from the last thread:

I saw upthread some discussion about George Pataki running for president on the fact that he is not as crazy as other GOP candidates.

I swear…keep an eye out for Ohio governor John Kasich. He is positioning himself just as I thought he would. He wants to be The Real Moderate, the un-Walker, The Man with the Real Experience and The Down Home Christian with a Heart.

He was campaigning in Georgia yesterday. Check out some of his “moderate Republican speak” and how he can be quick and in-your-face with his answers:

That was from this Columbus Dispatch article: Dispatch - Critics of Medicaid expansion don’t bother him, Kasich tells Georgia GOP

And in this bit…he goes right after Wisconsin’s Walker:

That was from this article: John Kasich on campaign trail: No need for right-to-work law

I think he is running. He is just letting the money men get a early view of how bad the rest of the field is and how they are not ready for prime time and he will sell himself as the stable guy that won’t say stupid stuff.

He is slick. Keep your eyes on him. He is the dangerous candidate. Add in the GOP convention is in Cleveland and it is perfect for the Ohio guy to get the nomination. He will kill Scott Walker and the lesser lights. I fear him…and he will give Hillary fits.

Thing is, that was what Walker sold himself as and Bush before him: The “sane” moderate who was seen as a viable nominee because he could appeal to the “mushy middle” and possibly strip off some Democrats from Hillary’s margins. And both have fallen victim to the same problem, namely that the demands by the party base to conform to their lunacy has left them unable to maneuver at all. I don’t see Kasich really doing much better than joining the chorus of those trying to sell themselves as the “sane” choice.

If ya think I’m wrong, consider how many folks made similar predictions about the political titan that was Rick Perry in 2012. Hell, even I bought into the idea for a while that he was gonna jump in, rule the debates, and come out the other side as a serious contender.