
Sunday Evening Acoustic Awesomeness: Antoine Dufour, "1979"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/03/2016 6:48:36 pm PDT

So, PopClock is saying we’re pushing towards 324 million real soon now:

As our population grows, any group or movement that can garner even 1% of the population will end up with millions of members.

That means a lot of kooky ideas and marginal groups, compared to the norm, can end up with lots of adherents.

It also explains why our society is changing. Contra the Tea Partiers, the expansion of government is due to the growth of population, not some nefarious plot by Satan to steal freedom away from God’s true children.

I fully expect that in 10 years we will see some real change in our society, as far as government. The old structures need to change.

I’m open to the idea that failure of the Republicans this year to nominate a valid candidate - and Drumpfskind is as big a failure as the GOP has ever done - is evidence that our institutions have been just too inflexible in light of our changing society.