
An Amazingly Beautiful Short Film: "Venezia"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷9/06/2016 9:57:18 pm PDT

re: #27 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Maybe if it was winter we would have caught it in time, but we can’t afford a diabetic cat—my girlfriend is diabetic, and we can’t afford her. I feel really guilty but we do what we can do—he was just too far gone by this weekend, anyway. Anymouse, I’m really glad Felix Randomkitty will be all right (I hope).

We spent about three hours with the vet as she went through all the problems and solutions and such. The vet seems to think other than daily insulin shots he will live a normal lifespan for a cat. My wife quipped, “He didn’t give me up for dead when I was diagnosed with diabetes.”

I am sorry about your Pumpkin passed away. I read it here though I could not really offer much other than my condolences on your loss (cats kind of grow on you and their loss is keenly felt).

About twenty years ago I used to keep guinea pigs. The local small animal vet was familiar with me bringing in guinea pigs for checks and whatnot.

One day I called the vet with an emergency: My favourite guinea pig was in labour distress. Not being a midwife, I couldn’t help my guinea pig out.

I rushed her into the vet’s office for emergency Caesarian surgery. After it was over, the vet admitted to me that she’d never done a Caesarian on a guinea pig before and had to read up on it when I was on the way in the office. She waived the fee, and the next day I went home with four guinea pigs.