
New From Keith Olbermann: What Did Trump Know? (And When Did He Stop Knowing It?)

Backwoods Sleuth1/04/2017 8:49:22 pm PST

Gotta say that I’m somewhat relieved that my underground house/bunker will be completed this year. That I have a fully functional farm for food, timber, mountain medicinal herbs and roots, and an overabundance of whitetail deer, wild turkeys and other game. Backup energy sources, yep we got the wind, solar and hydro.
And, best of all, a carefully selected and cultivated group of talented folks who know where they can find a bolthole if shit really hits the fan. The internet might be iffy, but I’ve been a ham radio operator since the mid 1970s, so some level of communication is covered.

This is not to say I believe any catastrophic events are in the offing.

OTOH, I’ll be ready for the next time a natural disaster hits like it did here in 2003 when an ice storm hit (I’m talking 5+inches of ice in less than a day) and we were without power for more than three weeks. (And no one in the rest of the country knew or cared about it.)