
The Corrupt Republican Plot to Maintain Control of Government

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈9/18/2018 11:47:02 am PDT

re: #33 KGxvi

I don’t buy the senility argument. Too wrapped up in his own narcissism? Sure, that I’ll buy. But I don’t think he’s senile. I think he’s a narcissistic asshole who has never worked a real job* in his life and thus has never had to deal with the consequences of his actions.

*He’s never had a paycheck that didn’t have his family name as the issuing party, he went to work for dad, and then took over the company. And through it all had people willing to cover/clean up for him (in part by keeping him from doing anything to stupidly high profile).

I’m pretty sure he’s senile in addition to all the other disorders. I’ve seen him speak, and I’ve seen him wander off, including wandering out from behind bulletproof glass. I know a pudding-head when I see one.