
In the Latest Hilarious Episode of "Sassy Trump," Donnie Gives Thanks for Himself

Eclectic Cyborg11/23/2018 1:34:01 pm PST

Everyone here knows I’m a Christian, but I think its totally wrong to shield your children from homosexuality.

It’s part of our society and they should be prepared to understand and deal with it.

Plus, Jesus told us to love EVERYONE.

I have a close friend of mine whose daughter is genderfluid and while I don’t fully understand what she is dealing with I try to keep an open mind. I sent her a message awhile ago telling her I would seriously fuck up anyone who tries to trample on her freedoms because neither I nor my Lord are like that.

She also knows she can come to my place if she ever needs a safe zone no matter what. That offer stands as long as I’m alive.

Two girls kissing (as part of a theater production nonetheless) is an incredibly stupid thing to get your panties in a knot over.

Imagine if some of these people used all the energy they expend going after gay people on, I don’t know, feeding the hungry and clothing the poor? Crazy concept, I know.
