
Genius! Jazz Standard "Autumn Leaves" Played in the Styles of 10 Classical Composers

mmmirele10/16/2022 6:45:21 pm PDT

re: #22 BeenHereAwhile

It will be interesting to see Jones attempt to evade paying judgments while using the SWIFT banking system to handle his financial transactions

He’s already pissed off his bankruptcy judge, and the bankruptcy trustee will be looking to collect his percentage of potential millions to recover.

And Jone’s bankruptcy attorneys will demand their costs and fees.

The SWIFT system can only be accessed through banks. SWIFT itself doesn’t decide what gets put on the network. That’s up to the banks, which is why here in the USA banks have an extensive sanctions regime to stop funds from going out.* In order to stop transactions, his creditors will need to get court orders sequestering his money and present them to the banks. This is presumably already in progress with his self-declared bankruptcy.

Jones has been such an obnoxious person I have no doubt that there are a few people out there who are looking for his monies and properties for the sheer hell of it. This is on top of the Sandy Hook families, their lawyers, his ex-wife and others. He’s crazy if he thinks he can hide all his money. Most of it will be found, it may take awhile.

*One of our predecessor banks was fined over $100 million in 2010 for failing to properly check OFAC and other sanctions regimes. It’s seriously important.