
Biden's New Ad Goes Hard: "Character Matters"

KGxvi6/17/2024 12:06:39 pm PDT

re: #28 Jay C

Well, even considering (IMO) that you are 100% right here, the big problem is that in the contest between reality and political advertising, reality (unfortunately more often than not) usually ends up on its ass.
Case in point; the 45th President of the USā€¦.

And like it or not, the average American voter is unlikely to have the same grasp of economics as you, I, or most Lizards*; and is going to be prone to consider their vote on the most simplistic appeal they get: i.e. on econ issues, incessant yammering about ā€œBidenflationā€ blared away at every opportunity, visa every medium out there. With the absence of credible solutions being noticeably un-emphasizedā€¦.

part of the problem with ā€œinflationā€ as an issue is that it doesnā€™t really stop, it just slows down to an acceptable level. and the level of freakout that would happen if we ever entered an extended deflationary period would break what few brains havenā€™t been broken by the first quarter of the 21st century. instead, what ends up happening is a bunch of people complaining because what used to cost a dollar now costs a dollar fifty, or whatever.