
Politicians Reach Deal to Mortgage America's Future

Kragar2/06/2009 5:06:19 pm PST

re: #20 Tamron

Heads up: Ashley Judd is going on Larry King Live tonight, bitching about how Sarah Palin is single-handedly slaughtering all of the wolves here in Alaska.


Michelle Malkin:


Deceiver Skewers her as well:

Ashley Judd Doesn’t Care About Hooved Creatures

Now, okay. I’m a dog person. I see something like the Michael Vick situation and it makes my blood boil. So when Ashley Judd pouts about the poor puppies getting shot at by the mean mans in the airy-planes, there’s a second or two where I’m like, “Awww! You cut that out, Sarah Palin!”

But then the ol’ logic centers kick in. (Assuming you have any.) “Wait a sec… why are they killing these wolves? Just to be cruel? Are they placing bets on it?” Well, no. They’re trying to protect moose and caribou, which have been almost wiped out because of wolf overpopulation. Why is there a wolf overpopulation in Alaska? Because for a long time it was illegal to hunt them. And why are they shooting the wolves from planes? Well, because there aren’t a lot of roads up there.