
Uncle Jimbo Jumps the Conclusion

zombie3/05/2009 5:50:13 pm PST

78 Uncle jimbo, this is zombie, the person who made the report about the bus ads, at zombietime. In your posting here, you state “the usually useful Zombie has taken umbrage and seem to think these practitioners should not be allowed to do PR.” Where exactly in my post do I say that? Read it again. You’ll find, in fact, that I never say that at all. I never once say these ads should be banned, nor do I even imply it. All I did is point out that the Mayor of Ft. Lauderdale joined a protest against the ads, and speculated as to why the usually aggressively anti-religion hypersensitive San Franciscans had studiously made no comment about these ads. But I did NOT state that I myself want them banned, which you can see clearly enough in my post. If anything, I’m GLAD the ads are running, because it gives me an opportunity to expose the true agenda of Islamic extremists and to point out the hypocrisy of their secular apologists. I’m as pro-free speech as you. And even though I don’t think these ads fall under the rubric of constitutional “free speech” (advertising companies can choose their clients as they see fit), I was not myself protesting against the existence of the ads. Quite the opposite: I see them as a “teaching moment.” No hard feelings — I’m a big fan of Ace of Spades — just wanted to set the record straight.
Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2009 07:38 PM (lGa4I)