
The Furious Evolution of the Swine Flu Virus

simonml5/05/2009 11:27:47 am PDT

re: #24 lawhawk

Scientists are working furiously to figure out the current swine flu secrets, because many have read up on their history and know that some of the most recent pandemics, including the 1918 flu, were preceded by outbreaks of mild influenza.

H1N1 (aka swine flu) may be the predecessor to a more virulent and dangerous virus and the proper handling of this influenza outbreak is good practice to deal with further outbreaks, including should H5N1 reach pandemic proportions - or any other influenza that has higher than normal mortality rates.

The protections apply to all influenzas - washing hands, covering nose and mouth when sneezing, and staying home when symptoms show to reduce spread, etc. Oh, and getting vaccinated against the most common influenzas expected during the season.

It’s common sense, but too many people don’t worry about this stuff until we get media reports sensationalizing matters.

Let’s not forget that 36,000 die in the US annually as a result of influenza, and anywhere from 5-20% of the population is sickened from the flu every year.

Why people don’t get a flu shot is beyond me. Even if it doesn’t work 100%, I’d welcome any reduction in the chance of catching the flu.