
Noonan: Can We Play 'Grown-Up' Now?

Shug5/29/2009 7:30:26 pm PDT

The same people who are praising this fantastic pick, tried to derail Alberto Gonzalez and derailed Janice Rogers Brown. They hurled racist insults and accused Sam Alito of being in the pocket of the mafia. Absolutely disgusting

I give Sotomayor zero credit for her gender or her race or her life experience.
but I take nothing away from her for the same.
I don’t care of all 9 judges are black women or asian men, etc , as long as they are deserving of the job I hate quotas

the republicans should give her a very fair, very dignified and very tough confirmation hearing, no different than they would any other judge. make her answer the tough questions like every other candidate
they they should vote based on her answers

give her a fair chance, not a free pass.
be civil.
be courteous.

don’t be scumbags like the left behave towards conservative appointees.