
Friday Night Music: Reign of Kindo, 'Just Wait'

windhorse1/01/2010 7:11:41 pm PST

To all people who have forgotten about the fragility and fleetingness of life…

Last Tuesday, I was supposed to spend the day with an old friend, a father figure to me. My sons and I were to help him with some moving related issues, heavy lifting etc. He had some books to give to me.

I sent my sons and called my friend to apologize that I was too busy working, would it be alright if I took a raincheck - the boys would come. Of course, he said that would be fine.

My sons went and spent the day. They came home…. having had the most wonderful experience… his insight, humor and profound wisdom.

I called my friend later in the week to thank him for the books. Several boxes full. Treasures, every one… I had to leave a message on his machine.

About an hour ago, I learned that my friend passed away Tuesday night in his sleep.