
Angle: BP's $20B Escrow Fund a 'Slush Fund'

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/08/2010 11:13:14 am PDT

re: #29 Aceofwhat?

“deregulating everything under the sun”?

you need ice water. when you overheat, the rhetoric>facts.

Hmmm SNLs, Enron and the energy crisis, Wall street, Air traffic controllers, ohh and teh EPA - shall we go into the clean water act of 2005 and the damages caused by the Haliburton loophole? Have you ever heard of Fracking? Ohh yes, and the present oil spill.

I have an actual case here writ very large.

Your calling what I wrote mere “rhetoric” is a silly and partisan attempt to ignore very large facts with a very definite pattern of grievous failure which have ruined many lives and can be blamed squarely on the actions of the GOP.