
Note to Rick Perry: Teaching Creationism in Public Schools is Illegal

Gus8/18/2011 1:59:20 pm PDT

Organizers of The Response push voter mobilization
Mark Corcoran - August 18, 2011

I just got an email from Don Wildmon, Founder of American Family Association (AFA). You might know AFA as the bigoted and controversial sponsor of Rick Perry’s The Response who in November 2010 was named a Hate Group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The email from AFA confirms what many have said for months. Rick Perry’s The Response was nothing more than a political rally disguised as a Christian prayer event.

 The email asks reads to join Champion the Vote (CTV), a voting mobilization organization that is dedicated to fighting for and supporting candidates who advocate issues such as anti-choice, anti-marriage equality, public prayer and involving God in government.

CTV’s stated goal in the email is to “mobilize 5 million unregistered conservative Christians to register and vote according to the Biblical worldview in 2012


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