
Friday Night Cuteness: Tree Kangaroo Joey in Mom's Pouch

Dark_Falcon8/31/2012 8:08:12 pm PDT

My employer let me go today. I’m not really surprised, since I specialized in defense conferences and there are none scheduled, and despite my team’s best efforts, we weren’t able to generate any business this month. Management didn’t hate me, and they still respect me, but they don’t need me anymore. But my unemployment will not be contested, and I’ve got co-workers who will give me references when I need them. So I should be able to be back to work before Thanksgiving, if not sooner. I am worried, but not terrified, for I know I did my utmost and only failed in not being able to climb a mountain no one could climb. My father understood what had happened and is supportive.

And any persons at other blogs intending to twist this statement or mock me should lay aside that intention. Jobs change but I leave this one a better man than when I arrive and with some real accomplishments to my credit. I hold my head high, and any haters will be ignored.