
Video: TNIW (That Night in Williamsburg)

Dark_Falcon1/10/2013 7:46:59 pm PST

re: #34 Gus

…Among the many interesting objects which will engage your attention, that of providing for the common defence will merit particular regard. To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of perserving peace.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined; to which end, a uniform and well digested plan is requisite: and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories, as tend to render them independent on others for essential, particularly for military supplies.

The proper establishment of the troops, which may be deemed indispensable, will be entitled to mature deliberation. In the arrangements which may be made respecting it, it will be of importance to conciliate the comfortable support of the officers and soldiers with a due regard to economy…

In that bolded passage, Washington echoes Flavius Vegetius Renatus and Sun Tzu, in the former case likely deliberately. But that bit of advice is as true today as it was back then. And the availability of arms as a deterrent is a core part of the right to keep and bear arms. By being able to defend yourself you might prevent others from attacking you in the first place.