
Police Run Amok in Ferguson While Gov. Jay Nixon Prays, Meets With 4H Club

Birth Control Works8/14/2014 5:36:38 am PDT

OMG!! Feral Girl woke-up feeling healthy, happy and ready to BURN ENERGY! After a bout of tug and jaw wrestling, Brat Puppy sought asylum in his crate. She wasn’t having any of it.

Finally, I decided to grab one of those industrial tug toys and go outside with her. WE worked on JUMP, TAKE, GIVE AND KILL. Meaning, I made her jump for the toy a couple of times before I threw it. She ran after it, shook it (to break it’s neck) and then brought it to me. Rinse. Repeat.

WE came inside for water (on leaseh) and went directly back out side for more work.

3 more rounds and she decided to lay flat in the grass and chew a while.

More water and some serious business (the kind dogs are supposed to do outside) and she is again inside. Brat Puppy is in the crate and the FO has taken over. She showing normal overtired toddler behaviors.

I think it’s morning nap time (crate induced)

It’s amazing what a couple weeks of good nutrition, a loving home and a lack of parasites can do for the mind and body of a pup.