
Wednesday Night Stunt Guitar: Joe Satriani w/ Marco Minneman and Bryan Beller - "Satch Boogie"

wrenchwench10/02/2014 8:44:31 am PDT

re: #341 Targetpractice

In other words, a stealth “personhood” law.

The stealthy part is that it targets minors, who already have a hard time dealing with an unwanted pregnancy. Tragic irony is pointed out in the article:

Yet courts require minors to prove their maturity to end a pregnancy — and sometimes the courts refuse to grant a bypass, like in a recent Nebraska case involving a 16-year-old girl who was taken away from her abusive parents and was a ward of the state and asked a judge to allow her to terminate an unwanted pregnancy without the consent of her foster parents. In that case, the court found that the girl wasn’t mature enough to decide to terminate her pregnancy, but she was apparently mature enough to have a baby.