
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

Killgore Trout5/05/2009 4:23:49 pm PDT

Right wing extremist update….
Arson attack on an Islamic centre

An Islamic centre in Bedfordshire has been gutted by fire in what police believe was an arson attack.

No-one was injured in the blaze, which started just after midnight at the centre in Bury Park Road, Luton.

A police spokesman said there was “considerable damage” and the road was likely to remain closed while forensic teams investigated the cause.

He warned of rush-hour delays and said police were looking at links to a BMW car found burnt out in Elmore Road.

Insp Martin Peters said: “It appears an accelerant was used and our immediate priorities include who started this fire and why, and making motorists aware.”

Luton is coincidentally the home of BNP blogger and activist “Lionheart”. He staged an illegal protest/mini-riot there last moth. Crazy Pam posted the video praising it as the beginning of the uprising against Islam.