
Scott Walker Tells Dana Loesch Mandatory Ultrasounds Are 'Just a Cool Thing'

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines5/28/2015 6:20:33 am PDT

A message from my hidden self:

We must defeat the theocrats and keep them out of power at any cost. Those of you who do not personally associate with these people, or live in an area where they have power, probably do not realize how evil and nefarious they really are. Your worst suspicions are probably not as bad as the truth.

This is true at a private level as well. Some of the most rapacious grifters, the most abusive employers, the most bare-faced liars, the most hypocritical and dysfunctional families, are the ones who make a show of their piety and righteousness. It is not just weakness or the law of averages that makes so many fundy theocrats pedophiles, adulterers, criminals and crazed abusers. They love to inflict pain, and doing so with a veneer of righteousness only magnifies the sick joy they feel from it. Their hypocrisy is not a failure to them, it is a calculated behavior that they find deeply gratifying.

I know these people, I have dealt with them all my life. They are the true agents of Satan in the modern world.