
Overnight Open Thread

aboo-Hoo-Hoo3/30/2009 2:45:38 am PDT

Mornin folks…it’s a vunderbar day in the neighborhood: Some unknown number of terrorists storm and take-over a police academy in Lahore where al-Reuters estimates the number of dead stands @ 20 but where there could be anywhere from 400 to 800(?) hostages. (Note to Obummer: Send lots more money.)

Yemen is extraditing some five terrorists back to the Klingdom one of whom is on the Fraudi’s list of 85 most wanted, 35 of whom are suspected of being in Iran and getting terrorist training.

And last but not least of my early morning digest, Obummer’s newest, bestest pal Medvedev is getting all set to pump-up our Idiot-and-Chief on a new START treaty which I think we can safely presume means Obummer unilaterally disarms while the Russian’s arm to the teeth.

Happy days are here again….