
Changelog: On Torture

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/04/2010 3:55:23 pm PDT

re: #343 Obdicut

No, America’s genocide was not more successful. Disease was the primary killer of the American Indians, and that disease had come long before we did.

Furthermore, the Susquehanna were not killed by citizens of the United States, but by colonists before we were a nation. There was no national government policy of eradicating them. Further furthermore, they were a single village.

There is not a comparison. what was done to the American Indians was terrible, but it its its own story of brutality and tears and awfulness, and a very, very different story from that of the Nazis.

Obdi, I am a Jew. I lost family to the Nazis. I am not insensitive to the history and I would never ever try to minimize what happened to our people.

However, you are just wrong. The Nazis were industrialized and did it over the course of a few years. America was haphazard and did it over the course of centuries.

Do you forget the scalping kits sold by the Sears catalogue so that you culd bring proof of your kills in for the bounty the government put out on Indians? That was certainly post colonial.

are you really going to minimize the organized attempts to kill Indians by the European powers, State militias, local Americans and our Federal government? What exactly was Tippecanoe or Wounded Knee.

Either way the dead do not care. When one group who has the guns and the numbers declares another group sub-human and fit only to be eradicated - and then proceeds to murder down to the last child, the only real moral difference was the technology and the scope of it that German technology made possible.