
Following the Passage of Bobby Jindal's Stealth Creationism Law, Louisiana Leads the Way Into the New Dark Age

b_sharp6/03/2015 8:21:45 am PDT

re: #345 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

Yeah, his IQ score changed a little bit each time he referred to it. It’s too late to ask him now, but we should have asked for the documentation.

Besides, who brags about his IQ score? I’m sure I took an IQ test in school, but no one told me the results, and if they did, I forgot it. One’s IQ score is not the be-all, end-all of your life, anyway. There’s plenty of people with average IQ scores (like the majority of the people under the Bell curve) who have done great things, and many high IQ people who have done jack shit.

My IQ has varied from 124 to 147 so either I’m mentally super inconsistent (flaky) or IQ tests aren’t all that meaningful. I suspect the latter.