
Some More News: If You Don't Want to Be Called a Fascist, Stop Supporting Donald Trump, a Fascist

Targetpractice7/31/2018 6:55:21 am PDT

re: #360 ObserverArt

I doubt anyone is seeing them as heroes of the left.

Politics often relies on partnerships of strange bedfellows. I think this is one of those times.

If the Kochs can mess things up for the GOP to thwart Trump it might be good in the short run. It will place the Republican politicians in a vice getting squeezed by the money players like the Kochs from one side and the Trump base from the other.

It could help lead to less votes for GOP candidates and allow more Democratic wins.

If the Dems can take back congress then they can get back to patching things back up. At that point they can ignore the Kochs.

Personally, I’m amused by the Wingnut-On-Wingnut action, the Kochs having been one of the big bankrollers of the Tea Party now telling the GOP if they continue to follow the Orange Shitgibbon that the TPers put in the White House, then they can expect to find their sugar daddies cutting off the money.