
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

Stonemason4/09/2010 7:33:03 am PDT

Too many posts to use the reply feature:

the only people who see the ‘dog-whistle’ here are the ones who want to see it, who want every republican to be proven as racist neanderthals.

And for the poster who accused Bush of playing golf so much:

President Barack Obama has only been in office for just over nine months, but he’s already hit the links as much as President Bush did in over two years.

Maybe he slowed down on the golf, much like the poster claimed Mr. Bush did, but the Basketball continues, it is his sport of choice, therefore, fair game.

Maybe those who see this as a racial thing are the racists???? ever think of that? Ohhhh, Newt said that ‘cause only black people play basketball…

Think about it…