
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Rant

Killgore Trout11/16/2010 4:32:27 pm PST

A new low for wingnuts. Drudge links to this fantasy about Obama’s daughters enduring public sexual groping…..
Since the TSA molested my family, why doesn’t Obama volunteer to subject his family to the same security procedures?

The President and his family — preferably with DHS Secretary Janet “The system worked” Napolitano — should show up at Dulles or Reagan airport on a weekday with a camera crew in tow, as airport pat downs are typically done in full view of hundreds of travelers. All of America will to see the TSA handling the President’s crown jewels. Then a rubber-gloved federal agent will run his hands all over his wife and daughter’s privates while he watches. Then I want him to turn to the camera and tell all of America that this is no big deal and we should all be good citizens and comply with the necessary security procedures.