
Pro-Life Republicans Vote to Kill Poison Control Centers

RogueOne3/06/2011 5:52:00 am PST

Poison Control Centers are not exactly “local”, there is 1 in Indiana, and they are not “emergency” centers since they are not tied into your local 911. If you call on a cell phone (a national 800 number) you’ll be routed to the first available center nationwide and not your local center. According to their professional association:

Annually, of all the calls to a poison center about a potential poisoning, more than 70 percent of calls are managed on site and outside of a health care facility, meaning that the caller got the help they needed over the phone and didn’t have to go to a hospital or a health care provider. This makes poison centers a key resource to safely reduce costly emergency room visits and lighten the load on an overtaxed health care system.

Most of the remaining 30 percent of potential poisoning calls each year are calls from a health care facility. Doctors and nurses frequently use poison centers to be in touch with specialists on poisoning cases.

There isn’t any reason why this cannot be consolidated into much fewer centers. I’m not sure I’m understanding the other argument that switching from 57 (AAPCC says there are 61) to 1 “might not” save money.