
Obama's Hardball Interview: Snowden Identified Areas of Concern, but Coverage Is "Sensationalized"

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)12/06/2013 8:01:03 am PST

re: #345 lawhawk

Greenwald’s sense of journalism is kinda hazy. He thinks the US media is going to gloss over Mandela’s legacy.

Except that they’re not.The quotes and news reports are easily found in the US media, and a Google search indicates as much.

It’s much more nuanced than Greenwald’s take.

Mandela opposed the Iraq War (as did a whole lot of Americans).
Mandela found fault with income inequality and racism, including here in the US (again, as do a significant number of Americans).
Mandela cozied up with folks that the US considered enemies (Castro being but one).
Mandela also didn’t like the fact that the US considered OBL an enemy and did so without due process (except that OBL declared war on the US, and the US responded in kind, so his objections here do lack merit).

The NYT has a wide range of coverage, including how Mandela failed his country by ignoring the AIDS epidemic that swept across his country, and which his successor actively denied was occurring, but later turned to being an advocate for AIDS awareness and treatment options.

Are you implying that Mandela had shifting opinions and that liberal disease called “understanding nuance”?