
John Lewis: 'I Never Saw' Sanders at Civil Rights Events

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/11/2016 5:09:53 pm PST

I’ll gladly vote for Bernie let me add that. I’ll gladly defend him against shitty rags like the National Review who liken democratic socialism to what Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela or worse to Stalin or Mao. I’ll vote for him over any of the Republicans running. But I don’t have faith that he’s the best the Democratic Party can do. The presidency is so much more than issues. I want Bernie to show he understands the world beyond seeing the world being about economic inequalities which as I said above is a real issue but I also want him to understand that somethings do happen independent of economic inequalities. Rich black people get harassed by working class white police officers. Well to do women have their reproductive health threatened by Republican policies on choice. Wealthy gay people’s rights are opposed by less well off conservative Christians. Etc.