
An Amazingly Beautiful Short Film: "Venezia"

BeachDem9/07/2016 10:16:16 am PDT

I believe this is one of the best descriptions of bloviating Trump surrogate words I’ve ever seen:

Spicer then spun a web of buzzwords and catchphrases whose verbs clashed where they existed at all.

This was the idiotic argle bargle Spicer was spewing about Trump’s “ground game”—it hurts my head.

“We’ve had over 5,000 volunteers comprehensively — I mean, these are fellows that are having weekly metric trained, we’ve had over 1,000 paid staff on the ground,” Spicer said. “Each one of those people is going out and making sure that we understand every single voter that we need, where those turfs are where people live, what’s making them vote, what issues are important, who the key influences are, are they voting early (or) absentee.”