
Video: Samantha Bee on Trump's Bizarre, Disturbing Concept of "Loyalty"

lawhawk2/02/2017 6:08:10 am PST

Oh, and some folks are now saying that Trump/Bannon’s actions are proof that he finally needs to be removed from office.

Sorry, the time was months ago when people were all EMAIL! and thinking that there was no difference between Trump and Clinton and that they could throw away their vote for a 3d party candidate, because there’d be no difference in policies or procedures, or that life would go on and they’d be insulated from the consequences.


You cannot count on impeachment here. The GOP would need a massive body count for that to happen - and many of them would be swept up for being complicit. No, the path is via the 25th Amendment at the moment, and even there, the GOP wont act because they’ve been fine with all of this. They’ve gained the power they crave. They stole a supreme court seat and have suffered no consequences for that. They’ll go along with what Bannon and Trump are doing, because they think they’ll be fine.