
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Zimriel2/26/2009 8:22:49 pm PST

re: #309 LudwigVanQuixote

I just got done reading her bit that righty gave as a link.

That said, I get rather annoyed when the fundies decide that they are now Torah scholars, understand biblical Hebrew without the benefit of the Oral Tradition and then try to tell me what my book says.

Shhesh, I don’t presume to tell them what Matthew, Mark, Luke or John really means.

Things do get … interesting, though, when Dead Sea scholars show up with their “Pesherim on Habbakuk” and “Damascus Documents” and “Temple Scrolls”; suddenly a whole Enochian / Essene field of anti-Rabbinic (reactionary!) Jewish commentary pops up.

Ahh, I love this field.