
Michael Savage Banned in Britain

subsailor685/05/2009 10:39:15 am PDT

re: #341 jvic

Reasonable people can disagree and I think your attitude is legitimate. I’d like to agree but I’m wary.

It’s a matter of where to draw the line. I’m willing to use a preponderance-of-evidence standard for non-citizens.

It would be tragic to inadvertently bar a Solzhenitsyn. It would also be tragic to inadvertently help a Mao to regroup here. Some human rights are universal; a government should act on behalf of its citizens. Those two propositions do not always harmonize.

Family values don’t stop at the Rio Grande. True, but so what?

I can certainly see your side of the equation as well! I’m with you on being wary. Freedom must be based on education, wisdom, and courage. The education to have a sense of the tragedies that someone like Mao unleashed, the wisdom to recognize that kind of demagogic rhetoric when we hear it, and the courage to stand against it.

Not sure I have the answer.