
Super Bowl Sunday Night Open

SanFranciscoZionist2/07/2010 9:00:32 pm PST

re: #337 cliffster

And watch people downding my comment in your defense. Because we hate Sarah Palin. Which I don’t argue with. But, I have an idea - make a joke about burning Obama at the stake. Watch the holy hell come down on you then.

It was because of the Joan of Arc comment. Which you know. And he apologized. And the comment was deleted. It was tasteless, it was agreed to be tasteless, it went bye-bye.

I will comment that in my eyes, announcing at the end of a paid convention speech that you would die for the people of America is also fairly tasteless, but Sarah is not a member of this community, so I can’t down-ding her.

I don’t want to start a brawl, but I also don’t want to pussy-foot around, so let me just ask, do you want PT to do more public penance over it, or is this really about what you can’t say about Obama around here any more? Because that’s what I’ve been picking up from a couple of different people, and I don’t know exactly what they want from the group.