
Dozens of US Governors Receive Notes Demanding Resignation in 3 Days

Shill4/02/2010 1:51:45 pm PDT

re: #266 Killgore Trout

Bullshit, Okeefe was given immunity in exchange for the unedited tapes. Everyone who has viewed the unedited tapes concludes that the videos Breitbart published were dishonestly edited. If ACORN was really that bad why does Breitbart have to lie?


Show me this footage, please. Or at least tell me which part of the unedited audio this footage corresponds with. I think you’re claiming to have proof Breitbart lied. But I haven’t seen any explanation of the lie short of ‘show me proof that he didn’t lie’.

I noted some aspects I think no context could possibly legalize. No editing could possibly be responsible for. Maybe I’m wrong, but when I cite the unedited raw audio, and ask what you’re talking about, and all I get is that some partisan promises something exists but refuses to show it to me, I think I am winning this argument. I’m not asking for much here.

What sections (like which second does it start) of the unedited audio are you referring to as being cut to frame ACORN? Also, I just want to take a moment to condemn the practice of using racial slurs on blogs you don’t like to frame those blogs as racist. I understand everyone makes mistakes, and I can respectfully dialogue with you despite your actions, Killgore, but I strongly condemn that kind of corrosive and divisive hatred.

I am quite sure you would agree, were it Breitbart doing that to ACORN.