
Video Break: Animated Short No. 1

Usually refered to as anyways9/04/2010 10:45:38 pm PDT

re: #351

Israel may be waiting a long time then, forgive me as I am admittedly not well versed on the ME, but I would think as times moves forward Israel position is becoming more perilous. Cato feel free to correct ‘more perilous’ it even looks wrong to me…

Is not the population of the Arab world growing faster that that of Israel.
Ive read here by others that energy independence would be be one way that the west could hold more sway, I happen to thing thats a good start.

I hope that the next 30 years of green technologies could be the sort of boon that we saw from computer technology since the 70’s.

Israel’s position is dire…
I cant see how it can ‘wait’, waiting may be the games that their enemies want them to play.

On another note re education, is it not true that some of the suicide bombers in the last decade are educated people, I heard some were solicitors?
Please answer yes to the last question otherwise I will have to go search about it…