
Overnight Open Thread

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/25/2011 9:59:07 am PDT

re: #356 WindUpBird

And I believe God, whatever HE, SHE, IT or THEY are? has nothing to do with WAR. At all.

WAR is us. Human beings. Ending each others’ stupid short tiny lives with axes, stones guns, knives, sabers, tanks, missiles, scuds, bombers, nukes. Over resources, over whatever you please. Smashing each others skulls. lighting each other on fire. Shooting each other with rifles in the streets.

Leave God out of it.

And yet, G-d gave us that land.

So I will leave him out of it completely and talk cold hard devil’s arithmetic.

As long as the Palestinians are divided under the corrupt ministrations of terrorist agencies as governments, trapped in a system with no social advancement and the majority of them are hell bent on murdering Jews, there will not be peace.

As long as the interplay between the larger Arab world, Europe and Russia and the UN continues the status quo, it will not end, there will not be peace.

As long as Jews accept the Status quo, there will not be peace (of course with each rocket and each murder, we accept it less and less).

The only way all of that ends is to take the pieces off the board. That means breaking the Palestinian will to fight and forcing them to realize that some other way much be better. Then perhaps all that aid money would go to building a society rather than fighting and having corrupt leaders in mansions.

That means many of them will die. That is what war is.

In the long run it saves more lives.