
Trump's Post-Election Scam Revealed: "Trump TV"

Targetpractice6/16/2016 1:11:24 pm PDT

As I watch the GOP go about their attempts to pin Orlando on the President or on Hillary, I find myself experiencing a bit of deja-vu. It’s like Benghazi all over again, this assurance by wingnuts that this will be the event that sinks Democrats, that Americans will be so disgusted by what happened that they’ll drop whatever reservations they have towards Republicans and willingly run into their arms. And that the way to facilitate this is to be as obnoxiously douchey as possible, going so far as to accuse the President of allowing the shooting to happen.

Just who the fuck do they think they’re fooling at this point? They’re not going to drive up the white vote by playing the same one-note song, but will drive down the minority vote further with their efforts to split it with Islamophobia.