
Pat Buchanan's Executive Director to Be Sentenced for Violent Hate Crime

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/28/2009 11:03:01 pm PDT

Since M. Malkin came up earlier, I thought I would check out her latest post and see what is happening:

Dealergate and the MSM


Given Obama’s Chicago gangland propensities, anything corrupt is possible.


They’ll also ignore the fact that some of us early on have made the caveat from the start not to make too-broad claims.

[Emphasis in original]

Well, talk about talking out of both sides of one’s mouth…

On to some of the comments added to that blog entry:

On May 28th, 2009 at 5:33 pm, babiesgrandma said:
I have heard plenty of supposedly conservative talk-show hosts and others in the media who immediately PooPoo the thought that Oblama is not a citizen of the U.S. They usually say it’s a settled issue….. kinda like Settled Science of Gorebull Warming…
I’m just sayin’ this is all too clear to me. He is a fake, a phony, and dangerous.


On May 28th, 2009 at 5:35 pm, Dexter Alarius said:
Les Kinsolving from WND actually asked Obama’s mouthpiece Gibbs at a news conference and was mocked and laughed at by all.
Gibb’s most interesting remark: “I certainly hope by the fourth year of our administration that we’ll have dealt with this burgeoning birth controversy.”


On May 28th, 2009 at 5:53 pm, BOB said:
And when someone ask Gibbs or whoever about this, they should include asking for everything that is kept secret, not just the birth certifcate. They are all interrelated to protect disclosure of the fact Obama is an illegal president. Even the school admission records will show this. What they are saying is “we have a really good fake birth certificate, so shut-up and accept it”.
There are many other questions about his past that have not been answered that are related to the citizenship issue.

And so on (those three comments are just within 20 minutes…)