
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

lawhawk10/02/2009 12:14:10 pm PDT

re: #303 buzzsawmonkey

There’s been a few OSHA requirements put in place since they first started digging the subways in NYC, to say nothing of the byzantine utilities running underground. Oh, and they don’t use dynamite for clearing the path either, and for good reason. It’s more advanced than it was in the 1970s, but the cut and cover is still the basic technique on the 2d ave line.

It’s a veritable maze, and that slows things down considerably. It took them nearly 3 years longer to build the new South Ferry terminal (in part to archeological discoveries of a Dutch era defensive wall, they’re well behind on the Fulton station that’s practically outside my window, and I doubt we’ll see the 2d Ave line anytime soon either.