
Video: Birth of a Climate Denier Talking Point

Bagua10/08/2009 9:34:46 am PDT

re: #354 ludwigvanquixote

It is astonishing how much you back down when forced to actually state your case… […]


Ludwig, that is ridiculous, I didn’t “back down” I repeated what I had written on the prior thread. Your charge was that I “lied” and that I never made my point. Now you’ve changed that to that I am wrong, but you won’t back down from your charge of dishonesty or not “backing up” my opinion on the video.

If there are hundreds of other examples that demonstrate that the added growth from enriched CO2 causes exploding insect populations then it was the video that failed to make that point. The abstracts from the papers you linked appear to be talking about the effects from temperature change, which is a different effect. The video was trying to demonstrate that their would be no added growth from the additional “plant food.” I had already allowed that there could have been other negative factors, such as temperature related ones.

You then jump in with “hundreds of millions will die,” what are talking about, plants or people? The video was about the limited claim that CO2 causes increased plant growth, not the anticipated effect on human populations from other factors such as a rising ocean. You even add a video on ice loss, nothing to do with the issue of increased plant growth. You are lumping in arguments from other threads on other discussions on other points to skirt the one actual point of contention.

You didn’t even acknowledge my point that in comment in comment #352 that in comment #7 you were refuting a point I never made, something you did twice in this thread and admitted once. An indication that you are typing away frantically.

Once again you are taking my point that the video had shortcomings in making its argument that CO2 enrichment does not lead to increased biomass as a personal attack on you and a blanket disputation of the entire AGW theory. Then threatening me with your “ton of bricks” and anger as though this is the Ludwig lecture series and you are some fearsome teacher, not a comment section on a single video presentation disputing a single point. All of this you heap on from my “daring” to write a couple of critical sentences.

You are all over the place Ludwig, you’ve not even addressed the actual issue of CO2 leading to increased biomass or my point on pest management while farming. While you were ranting at me on the thread you were simultaneously lecturing on about Talmudic law, and condemning a “false Jew” and pleading that he be banned.

Your debating style is hysterical and bombastic on this issue Ludwig, that observation stands. You can’t stand even the tiniest bit of dissent on a limited point. My answer to you in the future will simply be *gaze.*