
What Racism at the Tea Parties?

Gus1/04/2010 4:31:30 pm PST

Found a crazy comment (no surprise) at Dale Robertson’s Tea Party site:

I hope I’m not the only one that sees what Bammer & Buddies are up to!

Step 1: Take over Congress
Step 2: Buy up as much of the U.S. Economy as possible.
Step 3: Take over citizen rights in any way possible. I.E. Healthcare & Energy Sources
Step 4: Kick God Out!
Step 5: Begin enacting socialist policies while Destroying the Economy!
Step 6: Cause the citizens to get fed-up & Revolt( by the way I’m so for a tax revolt & maybe TEXAS withdrawal from the Nation)
Step 7: Declare Marshall Law
Step 8: Declare Communist Rule
Step 9: Dominate the United Nations
Step 10: Join The New World Order!