
Teabonics Illustrated

darthstar4/04/2010 3:01:52 pm PDT

Ugh…the price of loving one’s dogs. After a 3 1/2 hour drive back from Tahoe in the rain, I decided I’d take the coastal highway the last thirty miles just in case there was a break in the weather. Both dogs were sleeping soundly in the back seat, and the weather was miserable (high winds, steady rain), but as we got past Moss Beach, they magically awoke together and started yapping away as they immediately realized we were near their favorite beach. So we went. I lasted about 10 minutes out there completely unprotected. Threw the ball three times into the surf for Banjo, and kept Fozzie on leash as he takes off for a minimum of a half hour whenever we go. Now we’re home, finally, and both dogs are sleeping on either side of me on the couch as Bflat (our cat) purrs next to me.