
Crack in the Far Right World

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/21/2010 8:43:56 pm PDT

re: #343

It belongs to me.
I have a legal obligation to pay whatever is my share in any given year. And I do. Gladly.

I’m sorry, Reine, but to me that is a contradictory statement. If it legally belongs to someone else, and you have to give it to them, then it’s not yours. It’s theirs.

Like I said, if I make a deal with a guy that I’ll give him every tenth fish that I catch, that tenth one is never really mine. It’s always his. It’s in my net, but it’s his the moment I catch it. Likewise, with taxes. You know the deal ahead of time. You know how much you will owe on your fishes. You know, when you earn it, how much of it is the government’s. I’d submit that it never really is yours, that portion, in exactly the same way the fish is never mine.

If you do think the fish is mine, then we’re just having a more fundamental disagreement about terms, I guess.