
Assange Arrest Imminent

Gus12/02/2010 10:44:50 pm PST

This is who you defend when you defend Assange and Wikileaks:

WikiLeaks Backup Plan Could Drop Diplomatic Bomb

Supporters Downloading Heavily Encrypted File Told They Will Receive Key if Trouble Befalls Website, Founder

(CBS) WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has a backup plan should anything happen to him or his notorious document-dumping website.

The legal net is tightening around Assange. On Thursday, Sweden’s highest court turned down an appeal from his legal team, which means an international warrant for his arrest in a sexual assault case is valid, CBS News Correspondent Elizabeth Palmer reports.

(Scroll down to watch a video of this report)

Supporters of WikiLeaks around the world are downloading a file the site calls an insurance policy. The files are encrypted with a code so strong it’s unbreakable, even by governments.

If anything happens to Assange or the website, a key will go out to unlock the files. There would then be no way to stop the information from spreading like wildfire because so many people already have copies.

“What most folks are speculating is that the insurance file contains unreleased information that would be especially embarrassing to the U.S. government if it were released,” said Declan McCullagh, chief political correspondent for CNET, a CBS company.

In other words, the Interpol arrest warrant may eventually stop Assange but not the spread of even more Wiki-secrets.


They have now elevated this to blackmail.