
Sarah Palin Derp of the Day

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/04/2011 2:58:42 pm PDT

Fascinating Hypocrisy watch at LGF.

There is a much updinged and discussed post about $cientologists and how they should not be bashed because mainstream Protestants are worse.

Where are the concern police worried about bashing all Protestants?

Here are some differences between $cientology and mainstream Protestants?

Well here are some differences between $cientologists and mainstream Protestants:

1. Mainstream Protestants put their belief systems upfront. You do not need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to find out the “whole story” of Jesus.What an amazing piece of garbage this entire post is.

2. Mainstream Protestants don’t hound people who leave the faith or try to destroy their lives and livelihoods.

3. Mainstream Protestants do not use a reinforced form of delusion called auditing that only causes the subject to imagine he has super-powers while all the while getting private dirt on him.

4. Mainstream Protestants do not split up families or declare people suppressive personalities and then strip someone from the only people they know. They aslo don’t set up an indentured lifestyle that forces people into a situation where such leverage is possible.

5. Mainstream Protestants generally don’t make claims about the nature of the universe that are instantly seen as bunk. I am pointedly not including the fundies as mainstream, but seriously, if there were multiple megaton nuclear blasts on the Earth to release all of those angry thetans, that would have left a geological record. Of course, the fact that they were shipped here in rocket powered DC-9s only adds to the sense of giddy delusion.

I could go on, but so many here are so reality challenged it would not matter.

The thesis boils down to saying that any sort of judgement of any belief system is wrong because all belief systems are equally wrong. The writer bashes $cientology accordingly but, like all beliefs, they are equally contemptible and not the “real problem.”

This is relativist nonsense taken to its logical extreme coupled with the arrogance of someone who can not understand the need ofr a spiritual connection and spewing his own hatred of such things all while pretending falsely to be ohh so enlightened and tolerant. It is smug, arrogant and ignorant with a heavy dose of new-agey pap and patting oneself on the back for being ohh so enlightened.

It then goes on to attack Protestants all while claiming we should not hate. A proper statement might be that the extreme hate filled fundamentalist strain of Christianity that the GOP pushes and that is growing ever more powerful in the US is a deeply dangerous problem. Instead what was shown was deep contempt for all religion.

I am getting more and more disgusted with my fellow lizards.