
Hilarious! Bad Lip Reading Does "The Force Awakens" (Featuring Mark Hamill as Han Solo)

Birth Control Works4/08/2017 7:10:27 am PDT

re: #364 Anymouse

Well, I see after taking the “religion” test that this does not seem to indicate much other than how my crippled fingers work on a keyboard (and if I go too fast, how it brings an aura on for a migraine).

Other than correlating the terms “bad” “good” “Christianity” “Islam” with images and words with each other, I don’t really see what they are tying to get at. (They say it is to show if you have implicit biases, but I don’t see how that would work. I guess that’s why people can afford to go to Harvard and I cannot.)

I think the data they were collecting is in the switch of good and bad words with the images. How well one works the keyboard is probably figured in.