
'Conservatives' Who Want to Ban Books

Quella2/12/2009 3:47:35 pm PST

re: #361 J.S.

The Koran can be interpreted in many, many different ways. There are even (gasp!) interpretations that conflict! There is no “papal authority” with Islam. Obviously, some clerics have used passages of the Koran to endorse all sorts of things — from violence to misogyny. But the point is not “Have you read the Koran?” rather, it’s “how do the adherents behave?” If their conduct is such that it violates a law, then (obviously) in a democratic society there are remedies for that — namely, police charges, etc.

There are interpretations and there are interpretations.

The clear text of the Koran does indeed call for murder of nonbelievers and second class status for women. There is even a wife beating sura. Again, please read the document yourself.